Wednesday 26 September 2012

temple opening and closing dates for 2012_2013

The Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple in Kerala is open for darshan only during certain specific periods in a year. Below are the dates on which the Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple will remain open during 2012 - 2013.

MonthPoojaOpening dateClosing date
January 2012Makara Vilakku15-01-2012 
FebruaryMonthly Pooja (Kumbham)13-02-201218-02-2012
MarchMonthly Pooja (Meenam)13-03-201218-03-2012
 Utsavam Kodiyettam27-03-2012 
AprilPainkuni Uthram-Arattu05-04-2012 
 Vishu Mahotsavam10-04-201218-04-2012
 Vishu Darsanam14-04-2012 
MayMonthly Pooja (Edavam)14-05-201219-05-2012
Prathistha Dinam / Idol Installation Day30-05-201231-05-2012
JuneMonthly Pooja (Midhunam)14-06-201219-06-2012
JulyMonthly Pooja (Karkitakam)15-07-201220-07-2012
AugustMonthly Pooja (Chingam)16-08-201221-08-2012
SeptemberMonthly Pooja (Kanni)16-09-201221-09-2012
OctoberMonthly Pooja (Thulam)16-10-201221-10-2012
NovemberSri Chitira Attam Thirunnal11-11-201212-11-2012
 Mandala Pooja Mahotsavam15-11-201226-12-2012
DecemberMandala Pooja26-12-2012 
January 2013Makara Vilakku Mahotsavam30-12-201220-01-2013
 Makara Vilakku14-01-2013 

temple timings

Om Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

List Of Daily Rituals & Timings At Sabarimala
Opening of Sanctum Sanctorum3.00 a.m.
Usha Pooja7.30 a.m.
Neyyabhishekam12.00 p.m.
Closing of Sanctum Sanctorum1.30 p.m.
Opening of Sanctum Sanctorum for evening pujas3.00 p.m.
Athazha Pooja10.00 p.m.
Harivarasanam11.45 p.m.

Please Note: Sabarimala temple usually opens at 04.00am and closes at 11.00pm. During the peak seasons like Makara Vilakku Mahotsavam, the timings might altered to accommodate the large number of devotees.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

sabarimala map..

Map of Sabarimala

lord ayyappa history


Pooja Details

This ritual of bathing the Ayyappa idol in ghee is considered an important offering to the deity. It is symbolic of the pilgrim's self-realisation. The pilgrimage itself is a symbolic journey of the individual soul merging with the supreme reality.In fact, the filling up of an empty coconut with ghee is the most important ritual before the beginning of the Sabarimala 
pilgrimage. Even before filling one's irumudi kettu, the pilgrim fills up the neythenga or a coconut filled with ghee, with sarana mantram on his lips.

Before filling ghee into the coconut, the devotee drains out water in the coconut symbolising the draining out of his worldly aspirations. He then fills up empty coconut with ghee, the ghee representing the soul and coconut the body.

This coconut is broken only at the hill shrine and the ghee is taken for abhishekom. When the pilgrim stands before the idol and Neyyabhishekom is performed, the merging of jivatma with the paramatma takes place.The broken pieces of coconut are thrown into the sacred fire kept alive throughtout the season on the temple premises. The burning symbolises, devouring of all impurities of one's heart in the fire of knowledge developed through devotion to Ayyappa.

One important fact that authorities quite often fail to inform the devotees about this offering is that the neyyabhishekom is performed only till the ucha puja (special puja at noon). Abhishekoms are also perfomed with milk, tender coconut water, water, honey, vibhoothi (sacred ash), sandal paste, flower, etc.


The shrine of Lord Sabarimala Ayyappa is situated in a forest, in Pathanamthitta District of Kerala, close to the boarder with Tamil Nadu. The place is accessible from west through Kottayam, Palai or Pathanamthitta and from the east through Madurai. On western side motorable road is available upto the banks of river Pampa. The last 5 kilometres will have to be c
overed on foot.
The shrine at Sabarimala is not open for darshan throughout the year. It remains open for few days close to the end and beginning of each Malayalam Calendar month. This coincides with the middle of each English Calendar Month. Besides, there are few other occassions like Mandala Vilakku (Close to Dec 25th), Onam etc.. The information regarding these days is available in Malayalam newspapers and calendars.
The most important occassion is Makarasankrant and Makaravilakku (close to Christmas day and mid January)
Women between the ages of 10 and 50 years are not supposed to visit the shrine.
The shrine is situated on a lofted platau. There are three entries consisting of eighteen steps each on the eastern, northern and western sides(Front, Left and Back). Entry through the main holy steps in the front is restricted to those carrying the mandatory "Irumudikkettu" (head load of offerings and provisions). It is customary to wear dark clothes - a reminder of Ayyan's expedition. This holy steps are used only twice during a visit namely go and return.
The devotees are required to break a cocoanut at the appointed place before entry to the steps.
Pilgrimage to Sabarimala should be undertaken after 41 days of rigorous purifying rituals. These and the journey by beginers should be under the guidance of a veteran referred to as Guruswami.
Pilgrims visit major temples of Kerala as an accepted custom.
Although the area is covered by Cellular Telephone service, the use is restricted during main seasons, as the ringing and talking can disturb the contineous chanting of "Swami Saranam."
Scattering of garbage, especially non-bio degradable, littering, consumption of alcohol & non-vegtarian food, Smoking etc are punishable Offences.
Information centres and counters are available at important points for assistace to pilgrims, including announcements for paging for individuals separated from their groups.

Harivarasanam in nadhaswaram....

Harivarasanam in nadhaswaram....

ayyappa manthram

 Om Shuklaambaradharam Vishnum Shashivarnam Chaturbhujam
Prasanna Vadanam Dhyaayet Sarva Vighnopashaantaye
Aashyaama Komalavishaalatanum Vichitra
Vaasovasaanam Arunotpala Daamahastam
Uttungaratnamakutam Kutilaagrakesam
Shaastaaram Ishtavaradam Sharanam Prapadhye om swamiye saranam ayyappa..